Pornography addiction

Pornography has been around for many decades, but with the use of smart phones, pornography use has become much more rampant among males and females. Anecdotal research shows that kids as young as 8 years old are being exposed to pornography, usually by a classmate or older sibling. Addiction is starting well before kids leave school, and without proper intervention it can lead to a much heavier addiction and problems later on in life. Pornography addiction has been likened to substance (alcohol, drug etc.) addiction by some experts, and leading research shows it can prove to be a very strong addiction. 

Often with pornography addiction there is a lot of shame and guilt attached, which can make it hard for someone to seek help. Counsellors understand this and very sensitive when dealing with such cases to ensure the client feels safe talking about their addiction.

Some signs of porn addiction:

 ·     You can’t stop watching 

·      You want more and more 

·      You ignore other activities so you can watch pornography 

·      You are watching more extreme pornography

·      You feel embarrassed or ashamed to admit / talk about it

·      You are struggling to stop watching

·      Using pornography as an escape to cope with feelings

·      You find that time disappears quickly when viewing pornography 

·      You’ve lost interest in sex 

·      You may be more demanding of your partner in the bedroom 

·      You’ve lost attraction of your partner (Pornography distorts the way we view people’s attractiveness)

·      You may become angry 

·      You’re easy distracted by sexual fantasies 

 Some consequences of prolonged pornography use:

·      Encourages self-gratification 

·      Lowers libido 

·      Can destroy your values 

·      Can cause erectile disfunction and pre-mature ejaculation issues in men

·      Encourages self-isolation 

·      Masturbation addiction 

·      Distorted view of “normal” sexual behavior and people’s physical appearance 

·      Links to partner infidelity  


If you are identifying with any of the above and think you have a problem, no need to worry, there are plenty of people out there that are willing to help. With the right help and tools, you will be in a much better position to conquer your addiction. 

If you notice these behaviours in someone close to you (partner, close friend, child), the last thing you want to do is confront them, chances are by confronting them you will shut the conversation down. The best thing to do is to be as gentle as possible when trying to broach the subject. Remember to let the person know that you accept them and don’t think any less of them, and only want the best for them.