
The origins of the word depression come from the Latin word deprimere which means to press down. Often that is how it feels to someone who has depression, they can feel weighed down by their thoughts and feelings and can feel very heavy. Depression is a word often used to describe when we may be feeling sad or low. However, symptoms of depression often stick around for more than two weeks and can last a long time if untreated. 

No one is immune from feeling sad and low as these feelings show up when something stressful or unsettling has happened. For example: a relationship break up, being made redundant, death of a close friend, pet or loved one. Usually we can bounce back after a small bit of time and return back to our ‘normal’. However, if the sad thoughts and feelings remain then this is where depression can linger, and a good place to start seeking help. 

Here are some key symptoms and signs of depression: (often more than 4 are present)

·      Constantly feeling down and hopeless

·      Having little or no interested or taking pleasure in doing things that you once enjoyed.

·      Irritability or restlessness

·      Having difficulty concentrating 

·      Constantly feeling tired, or that you’ve lost your energy

·      Feelings of emptiness and loneliness

·      Problems with eating, weight gain or weight loss

·      Problems with sleep, either cannot sleep, or are sleeping far too much.

·      Reduced sex drive 

·      Thinking about death / dying a lot

·      Thoughts of suicide / harming yourself 

 If you or you know someone who is having constant thoughts of suicide or want to harm themselves, please contact 111 for urgent assistance. 


The good news is you do not have to do this on your own! There are plenty of resources and people out there willing to help you get through, all you have to do is start the journey and let the professionals help you with the rest.