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Relationships can be one of life’s greatest pleasures when they are going well, however when they are not stress and distress in our important relationships (whether with significant others, family members or friends) can negatively impact our wellbeing. This can affect our mood, daily functioning, self-image, immune and hormonal systems.

Relationship distress can often arise from concerns about the security of our emotional connection to our loved ones. As humans, we rely on others from birth and when we feel we do not have the close connection with our loved ones that is when distress can start occurring.

3 of the most common reasons couples can find themselves in distress is due to: Cheating, Money issues, Family & Kids

Some emotions that can be expressed when a relationship is in distress:
Fear, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Hurt, Disappointment, Loneliness, Resentment, Frustration, Withdrawal, Shame, Embarrassment. 

Some facts worth knowing about EFT couples therapy:
90% of couples who attended at least 8 sessions left in better condition than when they first attended.

70-75% of couples reported that they had recovered from distress when followed up after successful completion of therapy.

Research has demonstrated that couples who are able to maintain a strong and secure emotional connection enjoy greater relationship satisfaction, and also have greater individual satisfaction. A healthy relationship can give you better mental and physical health.

If you feel your relationship is in distress then please feel free to contact me and organize a consultation .