
Being a business professional can be tough

Often when you are in a high pressure and high performance job, work and life stresses can creep in and slowly build up leaving you with feelings and thoughts you may never have experienced before. Many of these feelings and thoughts can be paralyzing if not dealt with in a healthy way.

Whether you are running a company, managing staff, are a sales person with many clients who are demanding, or just an all round business professional. Your job can provide moments that lead to some stressful moments. It’s in these moments where negative feelings or thoughts can tend to get the better of us. 

Some common signs or feelings related to being in business:

  • Sleeping struggles: you either struggle to get to sleep, or you struggle staying asleep.

  • Anxiety (a group of disorders that cause worry, nervousness and fear) 
    Examples – you get really nervous before making sales calls. You struggle to be assertive with people you are managing / reporting to. 

  • Confidence issues.

  • Feeling overwhelmed / pressure.

  • Depression.

If you would like me to help you to better understand yourself so you can perform at the top level, understand your mental and emotional worlds so they aren’t a barrier to making decisive and strong decisions then contact me for a consultation. Start investing in your future now.

Lets work on increasing your emotional intelligence (EQ) together